
📶👽🧠☄️ ҽ-ցɾɾɾɾɾs 🔗🌐💦 ìղ ƒմɾɾɾɾs 😈💅✨


Watch the video documentary here.


📶👽🧠☄️ Ҽ-ՑɾɾɾɾɾS 🔗🌐💦 ÌՂ ƑՄɾɾɾɾS 😈💅✨, 2022
by Weixin Quek Chong and Jo Ho

Multi-media installation of fur, paper and print on di-bond with digital projections.

  • This work by Weixin Quek Chong and Jo Ho plays with the frissons of toggling between sensorial and digital realities, with the motifs of portals and emojis underscoring some of the fantastical and thought-provoking aspects of roleplaying amidst lags, glitches, societal constructions, and changing timezones. Through meeting in virtual reality platforms like VR Chat and Mozilla Hubs, the artists had conversations exploring the fluidity of avatars and virtual and online realities, and how these allow us temporal escapades from some of our physical and material limits.

    The installation is a rhythmic narrative composed of a blend of video projections and image-object elements. These include sculptural doodles interspersed with projection-mapped videos and fragments of text. The linear stretch of space morphs into an elongated mindmap of shapeshifting and world-hopping debris from the artists’ virtual hangouts across spaces, times, and selves.

  • Exhibited: Esplanade Tunnel, Singapore

    Visual Artists: Weixin Quek Chong and Jo Ho

    Curators: Supernormal.space, Lu Xiaohui, Esplanade

    Image credits: Jo Ho

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